System & Soul Blog

Reset and Refuel

Written by Admin | Dec 16, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Reset and Refuel

Dec 16, 2021


It’s December and we want to feel all the magic and warmth of the season, but truth be told, we’re a bit tapped out….like there is just no more to give. As we rebound the corner to end the year, at times we’re lacking energy and peace. Some may even say, it’s prime time to feel the exhaustion and frustration of a long year. 


Are you in the same place? If you are, we are with you, but it’s not time to wave the white flag. We’ve learned after many years of battling chaos and complexity in our own businesses, that it’s simply time to rest, refresh, and reset so that we can recharge and restart. 


At System & Soulᵀᴹ, we call this breathing the air. It’s one of our core values and we take it very seriously. You are no good to anyone (especially not yourself) when you’re sitting on E. 


4 Ways We’ve Learned to Refresh in a Chaotic Season:


1. Take time to pray or meditate – According to a study done at Johns Hopkins, meditation has the ability to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain. Just sit still with an open mind and allow your thoughts to be completely empty of anything causing you stress. Seriously….for a few minutes… LET. IT. GO. Just release that shit. Focus on something positive and especially focus on your breathing. Extra tip from S2 Coach (and yoga instructor), Erik Larson, box breathing is a great technique for calming down your nervous system.


2. Invest in your health – Are you taking care of YOU? Get somewhere and get your sweat on. Did you know that when you exercise, your body releases endorphins and other “feel good” hormones that combat anxiety and stress? The Mayo Clinic says exercise in almost any form can be a stress reliever, so get moving. 


3. Try something new – Two recent research projects done with the Harvard Business Review found learning and trying new things can combat negative emotions and burnout. When is the last time you’ve tried something new? Remember the excitement of being a kid and doing and trying new things? There is nothing that lights a fire in your soul like trying something new and exciting. Don’t lose that. 


4. Do absolutely nothing – And yes, we saved the best for last! When is the last time you’ve done absolutely nothing? Healthy U states that during sleep, your mind restores itself. Time spent doing nothing offers health benefits for your brain that are similar. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and impatient, it’s time to just completely unwind. One of the best ways to do this is simply to do absolutely nothing. Take a veg day. Lay on the couch all day watching your favorite movies, sit outside in a hammock, hang out in a park read your favorite book, lounge by a fire or a pool. And when you do, maybe take a Clarity Break. Let your mind sit with one question about your business. 


Like we said before, you are no good to anyone when you have nothing left to give and are riding on fumes. Let go of the guilt of taking time for yourself. You’d tell your team members they need this. YOU need this. It’s time to RESET and REFUEL. 


Check out our podcast on how to reset and refuel within your business.


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