Gain clarity in your life and work.

Find the answers no one else can give you with The Clarity Field Guide.

Marcus Aurelius did it. Steve Jobs did it. Oprah Winfrey does it. What is "it"? It's the practice that sets apart the highest performers from the average ones.

Our time’s most successful business leaders and thinkers use this one practice to pave the way for a greater future. It’s given them profound answers to their most pressing questions.

The practice itself is taught in the pages of this book, but the answers are already inside of you. Gain clarity in your life and work like never before.

Available now on Amazon and other major retailers.

"You need to go here. Enter into the danger of the questions. On the other side you will find breakthrough for yourself and your organization."
Ben hardy
Benjamin Hardy
PhD, Organizational Psychologist and Best Selling Author
"If reflective thinking in your business feels impossible with your schedule, if it’s not really your style, or it doesn’t feel “productive,” then this is your solution. Chris and Benj give leaders a focused method for answering the most important questions we can ask about ourselves and our business. It will challenge your thinking and clarify what you need to do in your specific season as a leader."
clay scroggins
Clay Scroggins
Author, How to Lead When You're Not In Charge
"The Clarity Field Guide completely demystifies the intimidating process of reflecting on your business. It provides a practical roadmap to “getting clear” with yourself and organized reflections tailored to the seasons of your life.Beware, procrastinators, Benj and Chris have destroyed any excuse against making clarity sessions a regular part of your week."
nicole mennicke
Nicole Mennicke
Fractional Integrator
Where you do need clarity the most?

Take the Creator’s Cycle Assessment

Discover the season you’re currently in so you know where to begin your journey to clarity.