Easy Mistakes That Destroy Objectives

1 min read
Dec 7, 2022 12:00:00 AM

Easy Mistakes That Destroy Objectives

261 Dec 07, 2022

In all the years I've coached leadership teams, there are 7 common mistakes I see when they set their quarterly objectives.

When these are in play, it makes progress toward their goals so much harder.

Here they are: 

  1. Setting too many objectives. Destroys the purpose to create focused energy.
  2. Failing to push for significant improvement for fear that people are already overwhelmed. 
  3. Not creating a plan for how the objective will be achieved. Creates ambiguity.
  4. Not assigning clear accountability to one person for each objective. If we're all accountable, no one is.
  5. Signaling a spoken or unspoken, "if you possibly can." Doesn't establish expectations.
  6. Accepting reverse objectives. This sounds like, "Yeah I can get that done, if you can do X first."
  7. Changing objectives before they're accomplished. 

Check your objectives for the quarter against this list. Is there a common mistake your team tends to make? 



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