Focus Your Business with a Free 90-Minute Strategy Sprint Workshop

Limited Spots Available

The Strategy Sprint Session is a quick, powerful planning session with you, your leadership team, and a System & Soul Coach. In 90 minutes, you will create a focused, actionable plan to work on the right things in the next 90 days.

This workshop is for teams who:

  • Struggle to know what the top priorities are (so everything feels urgent/important)
  • Fail to move big initiatives over the finish line in a timely manner
  • Find it challenging to plan effectively and hold people accountable



Schedule a 15-min qualifying call to find out if a Strategy Sprint Session is right for you.

What you'll get:


What teams are saying about the Strategy Sprint Workshop

“We should have done this sooner.”

“I have so much clarity about what to prioritize in the next 90 days.”

“I got amazing feedback and ideas from my whole team on what was important and where we needed to focus—that brought a new level of buy-in and energy to the conversation.”


Book a qualifying call for a free Strategy Sprint Workshop

How it works:

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Book a 15-min qualifying call for a free Strategy Sprint Workshop

Book a qualifying call

Schedule a call with our team to ensure this session is a good fit for you, match you with a coach, and go over any questions you have before planning your workshop session.