System & Soul Blog

Why become a System & Soulᵀᴹ Coach

Written by Admin | Oct 6, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Why become an S2 Coach?

Oct 06, 2021


Before you read any further, we want to be upfront in saying that this is not for everyone.

You may ask, well who is this NOT for?

Great question!

It’s not for...

  • Leaders who want to remain oblivious
  • Leaders who are not willing to face their fears
  • Leaders who refuse to show vulnerability

If that’s not you, welcome! Read on. 

Now with that being said, are you ready? 

Are you ready to make a huge impact? 

Are you ready for a change? 

Great. You’re in the right place. 


Did you know stats show that 25-40% of companies use business coaches? Business coaching is a thriving industry with no signs of slowing down. 

Forbes recently affirmed that coaching is now a billion-dollar industry. 

In other words, there's an opportunity to turn your passion into a lucrative, flexible, impactful profession with small businesses that are dying for your help and expertise.

You can now use your proven success and track record to pay it forward and push clients further than they ever thought they could go. 

At System & Soulᵀᴹ, we realized something HUGE was missing within the existing operating systems out there. 

So we decided to create our own. 

(Kinda like you’re thinking about carving out your own path.) We get it.

Businesses are not static and the SYSTEM shouldn’t be either. Our system grows WITH our clients. And without the SOUL of your organization…well, they’re operating without a true connection to their purpose, long-term destination, and values they will carry with them along the way. Like a tin man without a heart. Or a lion without courage. 


So what makes being a System & Soulᵀᴹ Coach the right call?

  1. Timeless Training Tools: No fads or gimmicks. Just proven principles and concepts from experts, backed by results.
  2. Your sessions YOUR way: We welcome your style and intuition when it comes to steering your clients in the right direction. We provide the framework, you teach it your way.
  3. Open-source community: Training is dynamic, not static. Our coaches are part of an ongoing conversation to make our content and practice better, over time, for all clients.
  4. No-contract monthly membership: If we don't continue to deliver value to you and your clients, no hard feelings, no long-term commitments. Just mutual respect and desire to serve you well.

The next step is really up to you. One day or day one. If you’re ready to take that next step, then click here.


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