System & Soul Blog

98 Of 261: Your One-Page Plan For Your Business

Written by Admin | Dec 22, 2022 5:00:00 AM

98 Of 261: Your One-Page Plan For Your Business

Dec 22, 2022

Ask around, I hate long, tedious, overly descriptive plans and processes. 🤦🏽

I swear, TL;DR was invented for me.

Especially when it comes to business plans, the goal should be to keep them clear, concise, and comprehensive.

Your business plan should...

  • Tie the vision and BHAG to the work you do today
  • Show the risks or "bets" you'll take to get there
  • Name how you'll do business differently than your competitors
  • Name your audience and how you help them 
  • Identify what really drives the economics
  • Most of all... fit on one page

That's why my team and I created this one-page plan we call the S2 Road Map.

Throughout this series I'll share more on each element in this one-pager.

But for now, just download the template and watch this 4-minute video.

It will help you understand how to build your own.



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